Olympia is in the Peloponnese, the large peninsula forming the southwest of Greece. The ancient site is about 10km east of the regional capital of Pyrgos, surrounded by beautiful, fertile countryside.
Olympus is in Central Greece, on the Greek mainland, the dominant peak of a still-wild mountain area.
Creole elites pushed for a continuation of European traditions in postcolonial Latin America.
Many beads of lapis lazuli, red carnelian, and agate stones.
Mohenjo-Dero is one of the significant sites of ancient civilization in the world. Lapis Lazuli and Red Carnelia and agate stones in different colours are found in the sites of Mohenjo-Daro. The artifacts reveal a trading connection with other civilization in ancient times. They traded with the Sumerians trough the Indus River that went to Egypt, Persian Gulf and Mesopotamia.
why do costumers trash our stores?
A)the disenfranchisement of blacks from voting in elections. i think would be the best awnswer.