I am almost certain it is legal, let me know if I’m wrong, but I think that’s what happened with the OJ Simpson trial.
<span>Peacetime differs from wartime production. The two groups that cooperated with government to switch to wartime production must have saw the need to do so. However, without sufficient information, I don't know which are the two groups. However, these groups probably saw that things were heated.</span>
C. Bantu
Bantu-speaking peoples migrated from Western Africa (in the area of modern Nigeria) throughout southern parts of Africa starting around 1000 BC and continuing to the 1500s (or perhaps a bit later, by some accounts).
There is some debate among historians as to whether iron metallurgy arose independently in Africa or was learned or borrowed from the Middle East or Europe. But whether independently invented or borrowed, the fact remains the the spread of iron working in Africa and the spread of Bantu languages by Bantu migration across Africa were correlated events.
There were a few causes that led to the American declaration of war against the British in 1812. At this time Britain was at war with France and attempted to cut off trade between the US and France. Additionally at sea the British were impressing US seamen or forcing them to become part of the British Royal Navy. Another cause of the war was that the British were helping to arm Native Americans to prevent American expansion westward. As a result of these forces the U.S. eventually went to war with Great Britain.
Congressman Jack Kemp was critical of President Ronald Reagan's early economic policies. Kemp felt that there was, under Reagan, an unreasonable tax on labor. Over time, Kemp and Reagan began to see eye to eye on economic issues, and revised the tax code - so it encouraged labor over machinery - in accordance.