The north as that is where most of the industrial work was done while the south was the farming area :)
There is no chart there for I can’t answer so please get a sc if u can if not
All my Electronics
I get bored when im not working so ima need those to keep me occupied outta work time
i think it might me b or c but i feel like b
<span>Feudalism developed in Western Europe at around 800 C.E. from the remnants of the Western Roman Empire. As a result of central authority being unable to perform its functions and prevent the rise of local powers, this decentralized organization formed. It is believed by some historians that the system was first initiated in France by the Normans from the time they first settled there. Many remarkable things were still accomplished during this era. For example, Monk Missionaries converted the Europeans and united Europe into Christendom, giving the region a common religion. This allowed for the Pope to become a political power. Also, Charlemagne introduced the importance of education. This is significant because it provided Europe with a common language: Latin. Together, these two things began to re-civilize Europe. -Ap world history101</span>