Out of all of them, Switzerland would be the one that was neutral.
Since Congress had no means to enforce its laws, the states could simply ignore national laws without fear of retribution.
Dred and Harriet Scott had no political motivation to pursue freedom. No one questioned their legitimate right to their freedom based on extended residence in free areas. That uncertainty had been resolved with the Missouri Supreme Court's 1824 decision in Winny v. ... Louis Circuit Court; only one resulted in freedom
Many people in Germany and in Europe did not take the steps to resist the murder of Jews for several reasons. One of these reasons was because they were afraid of Hitler. Many people thought that if they listened to Hitler he would not cross the line or hurt them. The murder of the Jews took the attention of Hitler away from them so for fear of being killed too they did not resist the killing of them.
They had problems with trade because of the unstable government so they couldnt make "money" as easily