a) Orangutan prefer to shelter in leafy trees or only leaves
b) One territory is of size 9 sq. km.
a) Orangutans spend a large part of their life in tropical rainforest trees. They prefer to sleep on the bunch of green trees and protect themselves from harmful weather conditions by using broad leaves of rainforest trees.
b) Each individual territory of a male Orangutan is near about 9 sq. km. and can extend up to 15 square kilometer. In one territory only one male lives along with other females and young ones.
Feeling sick. People with advanced cancer often have problems with feeling sick (nausea) or being sick (vomiting). These can be caused by treatment with chemotherapy or radiation therapy, cancer growth, blockage of the bowel or the location of the cancer.
When the Cheetah starts running, it generates its energy initially by aerobic respiration, where glucose is oxidised in the presence of oxygen, resulting in generation of ATP