After studying for about 8 hours every day including extracurriculars they’ve got going on after school, your kid comes home, exhausted. students should not be given homework because they require time to rest and take their minds off school work. With all the activities in school, students, particularly those in the kindergarten, are already weary when they get home. They have spent the day solving difficult math problems, reading several chapters and memorizing long lines in school. So bombarding them with homework will make them feel burnt out.student should not be given homework is that they require time to rest and take their minds off school work. With all the activities in school, students, particularly those in the kindergarten, are already weary when they get home. They have spent the day solving difficult math problems, reading several chapters and memorizing long lines in school. So bombarding them with homework will make them feel burnt out. rather than improving educational achievement, heavy homework load can negatively affect the performance of students. The stress of having to complete homework every other night can affect the student’s performance is school.Piling on the homework doesn't actually hwlp kids do better in school. In fact, it can lower their test scores and grades as well.
I mean as long as you let them know where your going then yeah you should be allowed to go out alone but of course your mom or dad will have to call you to make sure your safe.