The answer is quite simple, to “approve and avouch for the coming of the apparition with the gross and scope of his intellectual opinions”.
Indeed, Horatio is a scholar from the University of Wittenberg. The guards are uncultured and possibly illiterate they do not trust their judgment and defer to Horatio to ascertain the exact nature of the ghost.
In the Middle Ages, ghosts were regarded with suspicion. It was considered that they might be either a ruse from pranksters, a demon in disguise, a hallucination and if all of the former had been disproved, the actual wandering, tormented soul of a deceased human being.
The Power of the Dog, which is now streaming on Netflix as well as playing in theaters, may seem like an exquisite but slow-moving character study for the majority of the film. But in the final 15 minutes of Jane Campion‘s critically-acclaimed western, the plot suddenly kicks into high gear. What you thought was merely a haunting slice-of-life movie suddenly feels like a thriller, because The Power of the Dog ending comes with a plot twist that will leave audiences reeling.
The story is based on the 1967 novel of the same name by Thomas Savage. Savage was a gay man—though not openly so at the time—who based parts of the plot and characters on his own experience as a teenager growing up on a ranch in Montana. That said, the story is still largely fictional—or, at least, so one hopes.
The Power of the Dog ending is as dark as it is shocking, and Campion—who both directed and adapted the script from Savage’s novel—doesn’t exactly spell out what happens for viewers. If you weren’t paying close attention, you may have missed some key details. Don’t worry, because Decider is here to help. Read on for The Power of the Dog plot summary and The Power of the Dog ending explained.
It was solved by listening slowly. hahahahahahaahaha
If the word omniscient means “all knowing” what does third person omniscient mean?
- omniscient (all-knowing) perspective on the story being told: diving into private thoughts, narrating secret or hidden events