Energy coupling occurs when the energy produced by one reaction or system is used to drive another reaction or system
When a doctor observes the symptom of a patient and tells
that he or she is likely having a flu, the reasoning she or he used is likely
from the effect to cause. The reasoning from effect to cause is having to check
on the cause in order to produce or come out with the effect in which the
symptoms is the cause of the flu, in which the flu is the effect.
Commonly called the enterics due to the fact that they inhabit the intestinal tracts of humans and other animals.
I think it is stage 2
At stage two, the skin breaks open, wears away, or forms an ulcer, which is usually tender and painful. The sore expands into deeper layers of the skin. It may appear as a scrape, blister, or a shallow crater in the skin. At times this stage looks like a blister filled with clear liquid. Also at this stage some skin may be damaged beyond repair or may die.