El trifosfato de adenosina, o ATP, es una molécula pequeña relativamente simple. Esta puede ser considerada como la principal moneda energética de las células, así como el dinero es la principal moneda económica de las sociedades humanas.
They have a gizzard to grind the food.
Birds cannot chew since they have no teeth. However, the beak allows them to split very large seeds or swallow them directly.
For their digestion they have a stomach where digestion enzymes are released. Also they have a gizzard that is an organ that grinds the food mechanically. This gizzard usually has small stones inside that were previously ingested and that helps to digest the food.
Ans: Most genes contain the information needed to make functional molecules called proteins. (A few genes produce regulatory molecules that help the cell assemble proteins.) The journey from gene to protein is complex and tightly controlled within each cell.