The correct answer is present progressive.
It means that there is some progression, that something is going on at the moment when this sentence is taking place. So, they are currently climbing to the top of the Aztec temple.
Present emphatic would be 'they do climb,' basic present would be 'they climb,' and present perfect would be 'they have climbed.'
The answer here is "in media res." This is used not only in Homer's writing but many other Greek writers of his time.
Inciting moment is that moment in the plot that hooks your reader or audience into the story and makes them want to continue on. Inferential meaning means that you are literally trying to infer the meaning of the story you're reading. Interpreting the plot is another thing that is exactly like it sounds like: you're the person trying to figure out what is happening with the plot in a story.
He means his heart is there, he asks time to not move. he asks that the earth will find it's center where his heart is
The most notable difference between these two kites is the shape of the tail: the Mississippi Kite has a shorter, rectangular shaped tail, while the Swallow-tailed Kite has a very long, deeply forked tail. The White-tailed Kite is also sometimes confused with the Swallow-tailed Kite.