The answer is B MacArthur wanted to become more aggressive and invade China. After China intervened in the Korean war when it was close to being finished MacArthur wanted to punish China by bombing and invasion to beat China in a war. Trumans policy was to just hold onto Korea and not engage Cina on land. At the time the US was worried about an invasion of Europe by the USSR and felt a war with China in asia was the wrong war at the wrong time.
-Spain- gold, silver, new goods (Columbian exchange), intense catholic missionaries, didn't heavily colonize (Gold, God, Glory); conquistadors
Pizarro- silver mines at Potosi became spain's wealth for next 100 years
just wanted to maintain empire bc after 1588 spanish armada, fell into decline
-Britain wanted to expand royal government in colonies, not as focused on bullionism or conversion. Jamestown, joint stock company
North and South Carolina: charter by king charles
<span>France- expand the fur trade, native population, catholic missionaries. </span>
Cartier in canada
Marquette in MS river
Champlain had friendly relations w natives
<span>Courier dubois live among indians- have better relations w/ indians </span>
I've said this to many people and now I'm going to say it to you. PLEASE, when you say questions that need photo's attached, please attach the photo so you can get all the help you need!
Emperor dispatched Japanese Officials to Europe and the United States; Modeled Government after Enlightened American and European governments; Meiji Rule; Build Army and Navy to rival Germany's and England's; Changed the economic system through Industrialization.
A clown is a comic performer who employs slapstick or similar types of physical comedy, often ... For this reason, clowning is often considered an important part of training as a ... It is in this sense that Clown is used as the name of fool characters in ... Features are exaggerated in size, and are typically red and black in color.