A stupendous American victory in October 1777, the success at Saratoga gave France the confidence in the American cause to enter the war as an American ally. Later American successes owed a great deal to French aid in the form of financial and military assistance.
Before the invention of railroads, product distribution from land was conducted by using carriage. Compared to horses, distribution using train was much faster, cheaper, and able to contained larger amount of products.
This was the reason why the government of Texas settlements at that time made a huge investment in building railroads to connect the settlements. It allows both agricultural , mining, and animal farming products that created by a settlement place to be distributed all across the state.
During the First World War the North American Navy was very small compared to the armies mobilized by the European armies. With the declaration of war of the USA to Germany in April of 1917, the Congress approved an Act creating the Selective Service System. This law gave the president - W. Wilson at that time - the power of conscription, calling men for military service. The system consisted of a classification of five levels and expanded the previously allowed ages. By the end of the recluting days, it had achieved more than two million volunteers. This conscription campaign was very successful because it was accompanied by a strong publicity that encouraged men to a patriotic attitude, which guaranteed a high success rate. This recruitment system was left without effect in 1920.