An automobile accident left him profoundly deaf at age 21 so its false.
Global capitalism is capitalism that transcends national borders. It is known as the fourth epoch of capitalism in recognition of the three periods or epochs that came before it. ... For the first time, entire countries began to organize on free market capitalist principles, including the United States.
Negative feedback about social media. People can cyberbully you. Someone could be tracking you on social media and you'd never know it. People can hack your page and post stuff with your name all over it. It could cause legal problems. Although you have to have a personal password for the safety of your social media account/accounts, there are people who know how to hack into accounts with out the personal password you or whomever made the account. Some social media accounts such as Facebook, and ect, have settings where you can add your phone number to the account, and have your Facebook logged on at all times on your phone and if a different device tries to log into your Facebook you get a text message, to accept or decline the log in. Everything you post on social media will always be there so would you want your person cell phone number all over the internet? Signing up for social media is a big choice and you need to make sure your prepared for the cons of social media. I personally have social media. I love social media Its a good way to interact with family and friends who live far away from you, and after school. There are also some websites that are directly for Homework where teenagers can communicate and help each other. Goodluck.
I think it means something with his leader sending off his general telling their soldiers to prepare.
Is it latin?