A looping is a set of instructions which is repeated a certain number of times until a condition is met. hlo dai k xa halkhabar
D. Refrigerants
In the United States of America, the agency which was established by US Congress and saddled with the responsibility of overseeing all aspects of pollution, environmental clean up, pesticide use, contamination, and hazardous waste spills is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Also, EPA research solutions, policy development, and enforcement of regulations through the resource Conservation and Recovery Act .
The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 prohibit service-related releases of all refrigerants such as R-12 and R-134a. This ban became effective on the 1st of January, 1993.
Refrigerants refers to any chemical substance that undergoes a phase change (liquid and gas) so as to enable the cooling and freezing of materials. They are typically used in air conditioners, refrigerators, water dispensers, etc.
I guess the correct answer is information processing
Infοrmatiοn prοcеssing is thе changе (prοcеssing) οf infοrmatiοn in any mannеr dеtеctablе by an οbsеrvеr. As such, it is a prοcеss that dеscribеs еvеrything that happеns (changеs) in thе univеrsе, frοm thе falling οf a rοck (a changе in pοsitiοn) tο thе printing οf a tеxt filе frοm a digital cοmputеr systеm.
The scene of a human sitting at a computer terminal, responding to stimuli flashed on the computer screen, would most likely be described as depicting an information processing experiment.