A strong central government is a form of government that is able to force the states and municipalities to abide by the central government's laws that they set out.The United States, in comparison to other countries like France, does not have a very strong central government. The question that arises is: should the United States federal government be able to override state policies? There are many who feel that the Constitution should not entrust greater powers to Washington DC and less power to the states. Entrusting more power to Washington DC would create a tyranny over the country. There is generally speaking a good balance with the way the power is set up between the federal level and the state level. State and local governments are fundamentally equipped to handle the current public policy challenges of today due to having control over the areas that they represent.
The following statements which are true about Truman's Fair Deal was that c) It called for national medical insurance. However, the Fair Deal did not really come about, as only little proposals were enacted and this was after long debate in Congress. Truman's major items were never legislated.
expelled for participating in a student protest before he could complete his degree.
If a society decides to produce housing,for example,should it be the kind of housing that is wanted by ow-income workers, middle-income professional people, or the very rich?