A. to withdraw all American spies from the Soviet Union
The Missile Crisis of Cuba is what is called the conflict between the United States, the Soviet Union and Cuba in October 1962, generated by the discovery by the United States of bases of Soviet medium-range nuclear missiles in Cuban territory .
On Saturday, October 27, 1962, the Soviet anti-aircraft defense stationed on Cuban soil, managed to detect and intercept a US-type U-2 spy plane, which was shot down by an air-to-air missile while spying on the east of the island of Cuba, increasing even more the tension, but on the morning of October 27, Khrushchev proposed to Kennedy the dismantling of the Soviet bases of nuclear missiles in Cuba, in exchange for the formal and public guarantee that the United States would not carry out or support an invasion to the Cuban territory.
In the first days of November, US aerial espionage showed that Soviet ships loaded the nuclear weapons deployed until then in Cuba, proving compliance with the agreement of October 28. On November 20, the US government it ended its naval patrols around Cuba, and two days later the Soviet prime minister Anastás Mikoyán visited Havana informing the Castro regime that the Soviet military presence would continue in Cuba but only endowed with conventional weapons, the USSR withdrawing all its nuclear weapons and the medium-range ballistic missile of the island despite renewed requests from the Cuban government to the contrary.