When we inhale and exhale a process known as breathing takes place. During breathing ; gaseous exchange , that is ; excretion of carbon dioxide and inhalation of oxygen takes place.
Remark : - Dont confuse respiration and breathing. They are different processes. Breathing simply means inhalation of oxygen and exhalation of carbon dioxide ; while respiration means involves breakdown of food and it is a deeper process.
Diabetes is a condition that involves abnormal glucose levels in the blood (blood sugar). Type 2 diabetes result from the impaired uptake of glucose by the body cells for generation of energy, which caused by the cells being insenstitive to insulin hormone. It is caused by one being over weight, lack of exercise among other factors. Pedometers are gadgets that counts the steps taken by individuals by detecting motion or movement of hands and hips. Pedometers use by diabetic people has been found to be beneficial in a number of ways; first they help individuals to exercise more, pedometers are useful in evaluating and setting fitness objectives which end up helping the patients exercise thus reducing the risk of diabetes. secondly use of pedometers has seen weight and BP reduction . Hence due to these and many other benefits pedometers are useful in type 2 diabetic patients.
The only way to make the radioactive wastes nonhazardous is to let them sit for thousands of years until the radioactivity decreases to safe levels. Therefore, engineers and geologists search for disposal sites that probably will not be damaged by movements of the Earth for thousands of years.
hope it helps