At the same time, however, Muslim Americans express a persistent streak of optimism and positive feelings. Overwhelmingly, they say they are proud to be Americans, believe that hard work generally brings success in this country and are satisfied with the way things are going in their own lives – even if they are not satisfied with the direction of the country as a whole.
LEAD SCHOOL elga 9 english language part 1 solutions page no
D)the water gave Romans access to many other centers of trade,including the Silk Road from Asia and cities in Northern Africa
The first alternative is correct (A).
England has created a Colonial Pact with its colonies, with the reason of explores them to the maximum. According to the Colonial Pact, the colonies could only buy manufactures from England, so that it had complete freedom to impose the tariffs it pleased for the entry and exit of goods. In this context, England sought raw materials in the colonies at low cost and produced the manufactures that were sold in the colonies at high tariff prices.