Awnser: I think it would be C
because some of the most traded items exported out of china is silk and carved ivory.
Hammurabi is unfair because the Code of Hammurabi includes many harsh punishments. They also gave the government too much power, and the people had no chance to debate for justice.
The main important ones are:
•Jupiter- the king of the gods, ruler of the skies.
•Neptune-the god of the sea.
•Pluto- the god of death and riches.
•Mars- the god of war.
•Mercury- the messenger of the gods, god of trading
•Vulcan- god of fire and forges
•Apollo- god of music, healing and prophecy.
•Juno-wife of Jupiter, goddess of women, marriage and fertility.
•Minerva- goddess of wisdom.
•Venus-goddess of love and beauty.
•Diana- goddess of the hunt.
•Ceres-the goddess of agriculture.
•Vesta- goddess of the home and hearth.
Advertising created demand for new products, thereby changing the buying habits of Americans.