This is incorrect because for an argument to be valid it's premises have to be truthful. Fallacies are logical errors which make the premises untruthful and should therefore be avoided. There are various types of fallacies but most commonly they are divided into inductive and deductive fallacies.
A. The text is organized around important dates that relate to disease.
This statement is fluff because it says very little or nothing at all that is useful to the passage. It is clear from reading the names of the additives that they are chemicals, but it is even more unnecessary to say that they sound scary. This opinion does not add any substance to the piece and is distracting since at most it expresses the opinion of the author and at worse results in a disjointed description.
The effect of foreshadowing in Shakespeare's Macbeth creates a sense of tension and a slight sense of dramatic irony as many characters in the play are oblivious to their fate whereas the audience may know what is going to happen.