International organization composed of independent states brought together to encourage diplomacy and peace between various countries. The UN is also in charge of maintaining treaty obligations and ensuring that countries included in the organization obey international laws.
Promethuseus (greek god) gifted humans the gift of fire, so they can live on. Zeus the sky god was angered by this. If humans had fire, they would not need the gods. So the outraged Zeus punished Promethesues and decided to punish the humans as well. Zeus and the olympian gods created the first woman, Pandora. Pandora had many gifts, but her weakness was curiosity which got her into trouble. Pandora soon got married to her husband, as a wedding gift Zeus gifted her a box and warned her NOT to open it. Out of curiosity Pandora opened the box, and disease, and evil spirits came out. Pandora shreiked and cried, but the hope also came. Zeus knew this would happen becuase it was his plan to revenge the humans for having the gift of fire, fire was only for the gods. From that day, humans started to cheat, lie, and steal.
I would chose B.
The Equal Pay Act requires that men and women in the same workplace be given equal pay for equal work. The jobs need not be identical, but they must be substantially equal. Job content (not job titles) determines whether jobs are substantially equal.

Valli dreamt of riding on the bus. Her eagerness to fulfill her dream fired her curiosity. This curiousness led her to listen to the conversations of the people going on the bus ride and asking discreet questions so that she could gather as much information as she can regarding the bus journey.
On the bus journey, Valli acted confidently and behaved maturedly. She did not consider herself to be any less than an adult. She was focused on fulfilling her dream and did not get tempted to go outside the bus and explore the town when the bus reached the town. On the return journey, she learnt about death when she came to terms with the dead cow. This made her aware of the fact that death is a part of life and should be accepted as it is a natural phenomenon. Thus, the bus journey made her learn a lot of things.