The pattern I see is that you confuse number and gender.
- *Estos libro → It is not written in the plural because it speaks <u>only</u> of a <u>book</u>.
- Esos plato → It is not written in the plural because it <u>only</u> speaks of one <u>dish</u>.
- Aquellos carros → It is not written in the singular and masculine because it speaks <u>many</u> <u>cars</u> (masculine).
- Aquellas casas → It is written in <u>feminine</u> because it talks about some houses (feminine).
<span>In order to command someone to do something (or in this case, not to do something), you need to use the imperative form of a verb. In Spanish, the affirmative and the negative form of imperatives are different, and you need to learn the rules as to how to form them. However, here are my answers: 1. No hables! = Don't speak! You have the verb hablar, and when you conjugate it into its imperative form, it will be no hables. 2. No respires! = Don't breathe! 3. No leas! = Don't read!</span>