Olá. Nenhuma das opções mostradas na pergunta apresentam o resultado de 1,86 - 0,06. Entretanto, se você dividir 1,86 por 0,06, o resultado será 31, ou seja a letra D.
Para resolver essa divisão, você deve começar pelo fato de que tanto o duvisor quanto o dividendo possuem dois numeros depois da vírgula. Nesse caso, você pode desconsiderar a vírgula e, portanto, considerar os numeros 186 e 6. Nesse caso, 186 divido por 6 é igual 31.
The Tea Act would serve as to limit enforced inflation on tea stock internationally due to eased export, as well as to aid financially crippled British East India Company.
The Tea Act would also lead to tea prices being unfairly regionally based, rather than fairly marketed. Increased company profits don't necessarily stimulate economy.
It was usually performed by certain high ranking Japanese Officials and when they suffered a Major blunder in the war, or something that was considered MAJORLY unhonorable, and that's the key here, honor. Honor was HUGE in Japan, your family would consider you worthless if you didn't have honor, so doing something like losing a battle and surrendering were considered cowardly, so to maintain their honor and avoid capture they would commit Seppuku
The answer is
C. The customers lost their money.
Adult Males
Only adult male Athenian citizens who had completed their military training held the right to vote