We walked to the park- walked (simple predicate), walked to the park (complete predicate)
My brother Ken collects old stamps- collects (simple predicate), collects old stamps (complete predicate)
I cooked a delicious meal- cooked (simple predicate), cooked a delicious meal (complete predicate)
Mom works hard all day- works (simple predicate), works hard all day (complete predicate)
The shy rabbit hopped away quickly- hopped (simple predicate), hopped away quickly (complete predicate)
Even though theirs is a violent love, Romeo and Juliet are, indeed, truly in love because they risk their lives for this love, and they commit themselves to certain acts. Romantic love is the theme of Shakespeare's play
Meeting Juliet and finding that she is amenable to his advances helps him to move on from Rosaline. On the other hand, Juliet loves Romeo because she feels pressure from her parents to marry. They have an instant attraction, and when a person is young and impressionable, this is sometimes all it takes to spark love.
Answer: Yee
Explanation: I give free points too. If I feel like it.
I actually post quite difficult questions that yield quite a large amount of points.
Or simple, small questions that yield like, 5 points.
Imagery would be least effective when stating facts or statistics. You dont need to illustrate the facts.
B) It tells how the adjective describes the verb of the sentence.