Ramadan probably has more in common with Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of atonement, than with Lent. Although Yom Kippur is just one day, the fasting regimen is similar to Ramadan, as is the notion of submission and forgiveness. That’s all I know sorry -.-
se comprende la identidad de un pueblo.
La cultura de una civilización se entiende como el conjunto de tradiciones, creencias y costumbres que caracterizan a un pueblo, es decir, lo identifica. La producción artística refleja entonces la cultura, porque el arte es una herramienta de representación, expresión, comunicación, que se refleja principalmente en lo que el hombre vive, piensa y es. La manifestación artística marca un determinado período de tiempo porque representa una época, diferentes tradiciones y por ende cultura, a través de las artes y sus diferentes lenguajes como la música, la pintura, la danza, la artesanía, etc.
The main purpose of the Freedman's Bureau is to help black and white war refugees.
to help black and white war refugees
Freedman's Bureau was established by congress to help millions of black and white slaves after the civil war. They provide food, shelter, funds to the slaves.They also provide clothing, schools, medical to the slaves.
They solved their day to day problems. A certificate for marriage also provided for the slaves by the Freedman's Bureau. The main success is to make the slaves economically independent.
The Navigation Acts, while enriching Britain, caused resentment in the colonies and were a major contributing factor to the American Revolution. The Acts required all of a colony's imports to be either bought from England or resold by English merchants in England, regardless of what price could be obtained elsewhere.