It provided the first written constitution and was the first form of representative government in the colonies
Invent a new flavor, combination, or topping.
Place coupons online or in circulars.
Sell shirts, hats, or other merchandise bearing the company’s logo.
<span>Offer a loyalty program that gives customers free frozen yogurt.</span>
By 1890, the United States had by far the world's most productive economy. American industry produced twice as much as its closest competitor--Britain. But the United States was not a great military or diplomatic power. Its army numbered less than 30,000 troops, and its navy had only about 10,000 seamen. Britain's army was five times the size of its American counterpart, and its navy was ten times bigger. The United States' military was small because the country was situated between two large oceans and was surrounded by weak or friendly nations. It faced no serious military threats and had little interest in asserting military power overseas.<span>
During the late 19th century, the idea that the United States had a special mission to uplift "backward" people around the world also commanded growing support. The mainstream Protestant religious denominations established religion missions in Africa and Asia, including 500 missions in China by 1890.</span>
Orange, lemon, grapefruits are example of citrus fruit.
In Europe, Rivers had the greatest impact on medieval life because they provided both a food source and allowed for the spread of ideas through human movement.