1. Bilingual
2. Biopsy
3. Binocular.
4. Biennial or biannual.
5. Bigamy.
1. Bilingual: of or pertaining to two languages. For example, a country that has two languages as its official language or an individual who knows how to speak two languages such as French and English.
2. Biopsy: an examination of a piece of living tissue. This is usually done by a medical professional to diagnose or determine whether or not the living cells or tissues are in proper condition and working well.
3. Binocular: pertaining to two eyes. This is mainly related to an optical instrument or device that has two eyes or viewpoints for determining a distance.
4. Biennial or biannual: taking place every two years. Any activity or event that occurs in a progression of two is said to be biennial or biannual.
5. Bigamy: being married to two people at the same time. It is a situation in which an individual legally gets married to two different people.
The Lord of the Flies - A power-play between Ralph, Jack, and piggy occurs. Explain how each of these three boys reacts
earning interest example money put into a bank account
paying interest example paying back pulse a certain percent more of the original amount
It's a little confusing but i think you should describe the apartment or place or condo maybe explain the colors of the walls or the door shape or how big or small it is?
Yes our differences define us. With anyone having a difference we would all be boring and the same.