Johnson disliked Swift but had an intense self-implicating interest in him, sharing much of his social, psychological and devotional outlook, and exhibiting a wide and life-long reading of his works. He found Swift's irony, and satire in general, unsympathetic, but wrote in a manner deeply shaped by Swift and other Augustan satirists. His relationship with Hester Thrale included a self-conscious and often conflicted awareness of Swift's friendship with Stella. His novel Rasselas shares with Swift's 'Digression on Madness' a strikingly similar diagnosis of humanity's mental constitution, but draws teasingly opposite and sometimes adversarial consequences from it. Johnson's antipathies coexist with a reluctant sense of likeness, a combination implicit in the forthrightly evasive and wayward judgments of the 'Life of Swift', from which the main examples are drawn. Their nevertheless compelling power (like that of F. R. Leavis's very different but equally
There is a sense of responsibility associated with completing their homework. Children feel responsible for finishing homework and accomplished when they do it. They start allotting their time to study and play thus learning to complete their scheduled tasks in the time they have. Moreover, they learn to do things on their own. They manage their time and complete their work independently. Homework encourages self-discipline in students. homework helps the children learn with interest. Teachers give comments on the work they do. produced better exam results,
Homework should not become a punishment. Parents can take the responsibility to give strengthen by supporting their children in their home assignments. Parents must take interest in the homework given to their children. They must help their kids do their homework.
homework actually give many advantages to students and it is helpful to help students to be more understand on what they had learn from what their teachers teach. homework helps teachers determine how well the lessons are being understood by their students. I totally agreed with topic is homework harmful or helpful to students because for my opinion, I choose that homework are helpful to students.
The social context that is represented in “The Outsiders”, is relevant to its time, as the author, Susan Eloise Hinton, herself faced social degradation in her high school class.
The novel is about the clashes between the lesser privileged section of the community and the higher orders of the community. The clashes are about the superiority of each section of society and the rules that govern the same.
It is also about friendships made and broken for the fear of being hurt or being let down, about love and fear between the two classes, and finally about how at the end of all, it does not make sense to maintain so much of enemy as each person differs in their circumstances.
The author is young and a female faced similar clashes in her times at the time of writing her book. She was also asked to change her name to be gender-neutral to appeal more to the crowd.
These pointer show and reflect the relevance of the marginalized groups of the contextual times.
To support what the author is telling you or to support the main idea
I believe your is answer would be D.