I believe it's punctuated correctly.
It has a comma before the conjunction (or "but") and it has a period at the end.
So the statement is true! :)
This is a fragmant of President Lincoln´s speech of March 4th, 1865, during his second inaugural address, in which he refers to the Civil War. Due to the tone of the message, is evident that President Lincoln wants to send a general message of reconciliation and peace. This is evidnet in the cited lines, in which he is trying to explain that after all, the outcome of the war couldn´t really be anticipated by any of the parties, particularly in the lenght and magnitude of the war.
Multiple choice, T/F, and matching tests
Multiple choice questions contain two parts: the question or problem itself, and a set of possible answers. One of those options is the best answer to the question, while other options serve as distractors and are incorrect. These questions measure how well the test takers are able to recall the information they've learned.
In true or false questions, the test takers have to determine whether the given statement is true or false. These questions determine the taker's ability to identify the authenticity of various types of statement, such as facts, statistics, relationships, generalizations, principles, etc.
A matching question consists of two lists of related words, phrases, pictures, or symbols. Each option from one list is paired with at least one option from the other list. These questions measure the test taker's ability to connect words, complete sentences, or pair words with their definition.