Is this question even remotely related to your syllabus??
The US was never completely isolated from the rest of the world. Trade made the US an active member of world affairs. It was during the period of the 1890s that the US foreign policy became influenced by imperialism. During that decade, the US became the most important industrial power in the world. That meant we had to find markets and areas to obtain raw materials. Business was also looking at other areas in the world as potential customers for our products. The US military, especially the Navy, was growing and expanding in other areas of the world where we had not had the ability to go in force before. The war with Spain (1898) and the presidency of T. Roosevelt also made the US a major economic, military, and imperialistic power.
7 false (I think)
8 true
10 no clue
11 true
Each country considers that there are different rights in the human race, which the most common in most countries are: health, education and social security. Which is in many countries that these aspects are not met, and governments corrupt it.
Human rights are considered that by being destroyed or not respected, the right to BE human is being denied, since for example denying the right to health would deny the right to live.
Human rights are unbreakable, although there are certain governments that do not respect it, if this were to happen there are different penalties throughout the world, which could even complicate the government's political position or if it is not possible to interrupt governance before the voting period