The entire thing? Or just one?
La vendeuse: Bonjour. <u>Je peux vous aider</u>?
La cliente: Bonjour. Je cherche <u>un pantalon</u>.
La vendeuse: <u>Quelle taille faites vous</u>?
La cliente: Moyenne, s'il vous plait?
La vendeuse: Voila. Voulez- vous l'essayer?
La cliente: <u>Oui, s'il vous plait.</u>
La vendeuse: Goodmorning. <u>Can I help you?</u>
La cliente: Goodmorning. I am looking for/seeking <u>trousers.</u>
La vendeuse: <u>How tall are you?</u>
La cliente: Average, please?
La vendeuse: Here it is. Do you want to try it?
La cliente: <u>Yes please.</u>
I know it's late but hope it helped :)
The Bourgeois Gentleman (Play) Plot & Characters | StageAgent
Nous y allons demain
nous: we
y: pronoun that mean here
allons : go
demain: tomorrow
this sentence is in the future si its Will be
I will go here tomorrow