1. In Plato's Republic, Socrates is highly critical of democracy and proposes an aristocracy ruled by philosopher-kings.
2.Aristocracy is the form of government (politeia) advocated in Plato's Republic. This regime is ruled by a philosopher king, and thus is grounded on wisdom and reason.
General Thomas Ewing
Union General Thomas Ewing issued General Order No. 11,
Http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/british-zulu-war-begins The British-Zulu War begins as British troops under Lieutenant General Frederic Augustus invade Zululand from the southern African republic of Natal. In 1843, Britain succeeded the Boers as the rulers of Natal, which controlled Zululand, the neighboring kingdom of the Zulu people. Boers, also known as Afrikaners, were the descendants of the original Dutch settlers who came to South Africa in the 17th century. Zulus, a migrant people from the north, also came to southern Africa during the 17th century, settling around the Tugela River region.
Thomas Gage, also known as General Gage was responsible for sending those troops for ammunition.
~I hope this helped!
I am, yours most sincerely,
Joshua A. Bunn