Although you have not given any options, in related to Communism what happened was that the number of communist countries increased during the following years.
Many nations in the Soviet-liberated eastern Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America started to adapt the Communism as their main method of governance that deeply worried and concerned the Democratic west! USA and the Western European powers considered Communism as a threat to Capitalism, Democracy and International trade during the 20th century!
bence cevap d olmalı çünkü;
tüm kurbağalar diğerlerinin kuleye çıkmayacağını söyleyince kuleye tırmanmaya çalışan kurbağalar da o yavaş yavaş umutlarını kaybetmişler ama kulağı duymayan kurbağa diğerlerinin olumsuzluklarindan etkilenmemis yani d sıkkınken gibi çevreden gelen olumsuz mesajlar, kişinin başarılı olmasını engeller
Islam came to root along the East African coast some time in the 8th century, as part of a continuing dialogue between the people on the East coast and traders from the Persian Gulf and Oman. Like early Christianity, Islam was monotheistic, that is, Muslims worship only one god.
<em>They carved questions into these bones and burned them to find out about future or current events</em>
religion is not my strong point but it make the most scence don't mind my spelling