- availability of birth control
- migration
- uncertainty about the future
Eastern Europe is a region that has a negative demographic trends. The population is going down, and there isn't a single country of this region that actually has a positive population growth. There are several reasons as to why this is happening. One of the main factors in the migration, as these countries are developing countries and they don't offer high wages and good living conditions, lot of people migrate in Western Europe and North America. Because the economy of these countries is not the best, the people are afraid about their future, so they choose to have one or two children tops, as they are not sure will they be able to afford to have more. The availability of the birth control also had its impact, as the women can be sexually active but not be afraid that they will get pregnant when they don't want to.
Contour lines determine the steepness of the land by how close they are together. Generally, contour lines rise to a particular scale (e.g. a line for every ten metres), therefore, if the contour lines are closer together then the height of that particular area has risen more steeply than if the contour lines are further apart where the steepness has increased more gradually.
There are many different ways to measure weather, for example there is a barometer, rain gauge, wind vane, anemometer, weather balloon, compass, and a weather satellite. Your welcome.
- Amber