Tienen muchas respuestas, pero puede hacer una como quiere.
Who is __________. (Who isn't ________.)
Who wants to ________. (Who doesn't want to __________.)
Who likes to _________. (Who doesn't like to _______.)
Who can _______. (Who can't _______.)
In “The Wednesday Wars January-February,” Holling was not an
admirer of the William Shakespeare play, _Romeo and Juliet_. In
fact, Holling thought the play _Romeo and Juliet_ was stupid, not because it
was silly or because it did not make sense; rather, Holling thought the play
was stupid because Romeo and Juliet died for love.
you can write that there was a robbery or the person stole that money and went in a motel to try to hide but purposely forgot it there (because think about it no one actually would forget the money in a motel especially that much) so when the come back and see that you have spot it they would either kill you (to harsh?) or frame you
I'll help you with an idea
A plot in a story refers to the events which are connected by cause and effort.
Whereas, subplots exist within the main plot as a side story. It never overpowers the main plot but is connected with the main plot. Events that take place outside the main story are described in subplots. Therefore, the purpose of the subplot is to strengthen the main story line.
Therefore, one reason why subplots are used in novels is to develop the novel's theme in more depth.
something that is fragant could be flowers. They smell really good and they have a "pleasant or sweet smell". sweet-scented, sweet-smelling, scented, perfumed, perfumy