Hello there!
So, where the people settled, the place was very swamp. The water was very bad to drink. A lot of people got seawater poisoning, because they were drinking seawater. They also caught a lot of infections, and got poisoned. There were bad problems with mosquitoes and other bugs. In the area, there was not a lot of animals, so when they came, soon after there were no animals to hunt for.
Hope this information is enough.
Answer in spanish: Eliminando todo vestigio de feudalismo, liberando a los campesinos de las cuotas señoriales y los diezmos eclesiásticos, y también hasta cierto punto de las limitaciones impuestas por sus comunidades, aboliendo las corporaciones privilegiadas y sus monopolios, y unificando el mercado nacional, la Revolución Francesa. marcado un
in english: By wiping out every vestige of feudalism, by freeing the peasants from seigneurial dues and ecclesiastical tithes - and also to some degree from the constraints imposed by their communities - by abolishing privileged corporations and their monopolies, and by unifying the national market, the French Revolution marked a ...
The major downfall of the Articles of Confederation was simply weakness. The federal government, under the Articles, was too weak to enforce their laws and therefore had no power. The Continental Congress had borrowed money to fight the Revolutionary War and could not repay their debts