Yes because the natural rights are protected in the Bill of Rights in the constitution. The government cannot impede on these rights such as freedom of speech, press, religion, petition, trial by jury, bear arms, etc
Castro became worried that the USA might launch another invasion. So he made an alliance with the USSR.The soviets bought sugar off Cuba so that Cuba didnt have to trade with Kennedy. Also Khruschev put a nuclear weapons site in Cuba, this meant that they were now within range of the US therefore giving them an advantage in the arms race.
The Us were able to find same Cuban products from other supplier countries, while the Cuban country had to find other suppliers.
Cuba was not able to develop a high commerce with the US and the surounding countries were not necessarily the best ones to make business with. Cuba had the support from the former USSR until 1989 when it was disolved. Russia continued helping but not at the same level or amount as before.
The Zapotecs, known as the 'Cloud People', dwelt in the southern highlands of central Mesoamerica, specifically, in the Valley of Oaxaca, which they inhabited from the late Preclassic period to the end of the Classic period (500 BCE - 900 CE). Their capital was first at Monte Albán and then at Mitla, they dominated the southern highlands, spoke a variation of the Oto-Zapotecan language, and profited from trade and cultural links with the Olmec, Teotihuacan and Maya civilizations.
The Women's March on Versailles, also known as The October March, The October Days, or simply The March on Versailles, was one of the earliest and most significant events of the French Revolution. ... Encouraged by revolutionary agitators, they ransacked the city armory for weapons and marched to the Palace of Versailles.