From what I could gather from this small passage is that we know that slaves were treated horribly. Fredrick Douglass is an example of a free slave that wrote about his experiences. I'm guessing that you need to use his experiences as supporting facts in a small explanation about how the lives of slaves were horrible.
Hope this helps!
1. The degredation of local economies and colonial deindustrialization
2. An unheaval of traditional life and religion
3. The fostering of nationalism in colonial societies
1. The destruction of the Bengal fabric industry by the East India Company
2. The presence of EIC missionaries in the Indo-Gangetic Plain. Men like Padre Jennings directly influenced the Sepoy Mutiny by creating tensions in the local Hindu and Muslim populations of Delhi and Meerut.
3. The rise of the Indian National Congress, the Brahmo-Samaj in India, and the Vietminh in Vietnam.
see below
Christians who spend their money on worldly things and do not help those in need are going against God and will get his righteous anger.
Los países comenzaron a recuperarse progresivamente a mediados de la década de 1930, pero sus efectos negativos en muchas zonas duraron hasta el comienzo de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.6 La elección de Franklin D. Roosevelt como presidente y el establecimiento del New Deal en 1932, marcó el inicio del final de la Gran Depresión en los Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, en Alemania, la desaparición de la financiación exterior a principios de la década de 1930 y el aumento de las dificultades económicas, propiciaron la aparición del nacional-socialismo y la llegada de Adolf Hitler al poder que, posteriormente, daría inicio a la Segunda Guerra Mundial.