absolute brightness
The observational fact about a cepheid variable star that leads to a measurement of its distance from earth is that its period of variation is directly related to its absolute brightness
- high CAPE values
- strong vertical wind shear
- strong upper-level divergence
A supercell thunderstorm is a type of storm that is characterized by a deep and rotating updraft. Supercells can be quite severe, but tend to last between 2 and 4 hours. These storms are particularly associated with the Great Plains area of the United States and the area known as Tornado Corridor in South America (Argentina, Uruguay and southern Brazil).
Hierarchical diffusion is the spread of information from one hierarchical level to another, usually downwards, but can also be upwards.
An example of downwards propagation is when the president of a company announced there will be cuts in various departments. He transmits the news to the department chiefs, who relay it to the employees.
An upwards propagation might be when call center employees report repeated problems encountered by the customers to their supervisor, who moves it up to their boss and so on.
Gender and geography has nothing to do with that.
We should care about the earth every day, not just on a singular day. though it is a great thing to celebrate! the earth has given us so much and we should be more thankful and take better care of everything.