Well, wind and solar energy are good places to look at. The highest wind speed recorded in Antartica was roughly 199 mph, so they would definitely gain a large amount of energy from the wind. A smaller turbine can handle severe weather conditions, so setting some up along the most wind ridden places would be good. Solar energy would also be the best option since their days are longer than their nights over there. There can be days at a time where the sun doesn't rise at all, and then there are some where there is sunlight for a full 24 hours. So, it really depends on your preference, and the cons and pros of the energy type.
For wind: Set up a series of turbines along the areas that have the most wind. Turbines can withstand large storms. There is usually some kind of wind blowing.
For solar: Set up some solar panels where they would be able to get the most amount of sunlight. There are 24 hour long days of sunlight, but there are also some days where there is no sunlight at all.
Hope this helps you a bit.
The four polysaccharides are glycogen, starch, cellulose, and chitlin. You consume them. They are sometimes artificially made or produced by your body.
Un cambio en la secuencia de bases en el ADN o ARN se conoce como mutación . ¿La palabra mutación te hace pensar en ciencia ficción y monstruos con ojos de insecto? Piensa de nuevo. Todos tienen mutaciones. De hecho, la mayoría de las personas tienen decenas o hasta cientos de mutaciones en su ADN. Las mutaciones son esenciales para que ocurra la evolución. Son la fuente principal de todo el material genético nuevo -nuevos alelos - en una especie. Aunque la mayoría de las mutaciones no tienen efectos en los organismos en que ocurren, algunas mutaciones son beneficiosas. Incluso las mutaciones dañinas rara vez causan cambios drásticos en los organismos.
This type of water transition or change in phase of matter is known as FREEZING.
Water has molecules that are free flowing and have the ability to collide and bounce against each other, that's why it has that kind of characteristic that it takes the shape of its container.
When these molecules are exposed to lower or colder temperatures, the molecules tend to vibrate and get attracted towards each other, creating a semi-solid or completely solid material. In this example, liquid turned into frost because of the low temperature present within the environment.