Answer: Conviction based on the support of the physical fingerprint is a more reliable evidence over hair and fiber evidences.
Physical fingerprint has more value than hair and fiber evidences. As no two fingers can have exactly alike fingerprints belonging to the same person. The fingerprints of two identical twins cannot be alike but DNA evidence obtained from hair, fiber, or any other biological evidences can show similarity. Thus physical fingerprint have more value over DNA fingerprint it can directly related to a suspect to whom it belongs to depending upon the uniqueness of the minutiae characteristics.
La función básica del aparato respiratorio es la respiración. Consiste en llevar el oxígeno del aire a la sangre y eliminar el anhídrido carbónico (CO2) al aire. Este intercambio de gases se produce en el interior de los pulmones.
About 1/3 of earth's land surface is used for agriculture.
The answer for the above question is Cardiovascular fitness. It is the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to function efficiently when a person exercises. Cardiovascular system is the body system that includes the heart, blood vessels, and blood, and functions by transporting oxygen and nutrients to body cells and removing cellular wastes. Cardiovascular endurance on the other hand is the ability of the body to work continuously for extended periods of time.