2. A
3. C
4. A
5. C
10. A
1) "Her newborn always gets hungry. During the night" is a fragment because due to the fact that it has a punctuation mistake, the sentence is incomplete and senseless.
2)"Under her pillow" it has no verb and no subject. This makes the sentence ungrammatical and senseless, and the reader expects something more from it. The correct use of punctuation as well as the components of a sentence are necessary to create a sentence with meaning and natural to read.
3) It is a fragment because of the punctuation mistake that it contains. The correct form will be "even though going to college will be expensive, Asher has decided to apply". The comma separate independent clauses from the main clause.
4) Option A expresses an action and a reason that explains it. It is not necessary to have any punctuation mark in this sentence.
5) In this case, "planting an herb garden and painting the living room" is a fragment because it begins with a verb while the natural order of the components of a sentence is: subject+ verb+object.
6) Option B has a fragment because "smoking less last month" does not have a subject.
7) Option B is grammatically correct and it makes sense. It is no necessary any punctuation mark because "to join the army" is an adverbial of purpose. Generally, this type of adverbials do not need a comma.
8) The sixth-graders wrote letters to their senator about the proposed cuts to next year’s school budget to make their voices heard.
You join both clauses by removing the period in order to give the second clause a subject.
9) Option B lacks in verb and contains a punctuation mistake.
10) It has no punctuation mistake. Colon is used to make a list.