In the story "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant, Mme. Mathilde Loisel borrows a diamond necklace from her friend when she is invited to a fancy party.
Mathilde has always wanted to belong to the upper class, and she gives a lot of importance to money and appearances. However, she does not have the money to sustain that kind of life. Therefore, she feels embarrased and does not want to attend the party as she says she has nothing that would suit the elegant setting. Her husband suggests borrowing the necklace from her friend. Doing so is very important for Mathilde because it is the only way for her to appear elegant and wealthy at the party, and to not feel dismissed or belittled by her low position in society.
People feel way more comfortable leaving details about their life on the internet compared to talking about it in person. People can say a lot of things behind the screen that they won't say out loud. This leads people to share a lot more personal stuff with a lot more people.
This kind of detail sharing writing attracts a certain kind of reader because it becomes more personal. It can also turn some readers away because they disagree with the writers choices.
They put pictures and art woke up around the community about them