American Preparation for World War II. Authorizing the doubling of the size of the U.S. Navy. ... Pushing the Lend-Lease Act through Congress, which authorized FDR to sell, trade, lease, or just plain give military hardware to any country he thought would use it to further the security of the United States.
Unlike Plato, he did not theorize about idealized principels of government. Aristotle believed that the ideal form of gvm't balanced monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy in one system.
Justinian is considered one of the most important rulers of late antiquity. His long reign marked an important phase in the transition from the ancient Roman Empire to the Byzantine Empire of the Middle Ages. On the other hand, Justinian gained formative importance for legal history as he commissioned the compilation of Roman law, later known as the Corpus Iuris Civilis.
During his reign, the empire became increasingly sacralized. This destroyed the last remnants of the fiction once created by the principate that the emperor was only a primus inter pares. In the military field, he succeeded in long wars against Ostrogoths and Vandals, retaking large parts of the lost Western Roman Empire.
It would be an "embargo" that occurs when one nation refuses all trade with another, although usually these embargo's only apply to a single group of goods, not all goods at the same time.