Both the Zimmermann Telegram and British Sinking of the Lusitania.
But, mostly the Zimmermann Telegram
There were supreme court cases that began to challenge the system on equal civil rights, such as the brown case, SNCC was providing blacks a spot within the civil rights movement, James meredith became the first black student to enroll in the university of mississippi.
Answer: Balance of the tax system and public spending and progress in the field of science and technology.
The period after the Second World War meant an extremely difficult economic situation in the world, except in the United States. That is primarily the result of the suffering caused by the Second World War. According to many historians, the United States has never had such a stable economy before in history. Enormous credit certainly belongs to President Eisenhower's administration, which led to a perfect balance in the tax system and public spending in the country.
The economy has benefited tremendously from the growth of consumption at all levels, and the whole story includes a large number. The country's economic rate increased by an incredible 37%, and the purchasing power of the average American family before the end of the 1950s was higher by 30%. It is very important to note that it was the period of the Cold War that led to advances in technology and science. In such circumstances, the quality of life in the country will inevitably improve.
1. The Federalist believed that there is no need for inclusion of Bill of Rights. This is based on the perception that Constitution restricted the government not the individuals or citizens.
2. The Anti- Federalists argued that the Constitution bestowed the central government enormous power, which, in the absence of Bill of Rights, can be exploited at the detriment of the people
1. The Federalists believed that there is no need for inclusion of the Bill of Rights. This is based on the perception that the Constitution restricted the government, not the individuals or citizens. - The Federalists which was spearheaded by the likes of Alexander Hamilton and James Madison, wrote various documents termed as "Federalist papers" (sometimes referred to as Publius) where they argued their case against the Bill of Rights. Their conclusion was that the Bill of Rights would only impede the rights of the people rather than safeguard them.
2. The Anti- Federalists argued that the Constitution bestowed the central government enormous power, which, in the absence of the Bill of Rights, can be exploited at the detriment of the people - These group of people argued their case in various papers termed as Brutus, Centinel etc. One of the major personality in this camp is Patrick Henry.
Their submissions amongst others, were that the new constitution can turn the central government to be a threat to their individual liberties.
Franklin D. Roosevelt that he would lead thousands of Blacks in a protest march on Washington, D.C.; Roosevelt, on June 25, 1941, issued Executive Order 8802, barring discrimination in defense industries and federal bureaus and creating the Fair Employment Practices Committee