I would answer but you didn't make your answer clear
.org, .gov, .edu are usually the most reliable domains when it comes to dealing with english related assignments.
.org - means the website is from an organization, without the intention of selling commercial products.
.gov - is from the government so we know that this is reliable
and .edu is usually for university websites.
Hope this helped.
I agree.
Indigenous Peoples Day is used to celebrate the values of equality, prosperity, respect for land and respect for life, which indigenous people actually implement in their communities and respect as part of their cultures. Although many of these values are adopted as American values, we know that in practice they are not so present in the population and are not even celebrated, in fact, as indigenous people do. So yes, we can agree with the quote from Leo Killsback.
The day of indigenous peoples is also held to remember European violence and the attempt to exploit them, enslave and suppress them.
The dowry as a legal institution represents a protection of the parents towards the daughter, as a right that granted although it consists of goods that affect him delivered to help in the marital charges, but it really was a family legacy; in the understanding that it was the money, the properties or the goods that the father granted to his female daughters, the patrimony that corresponds to the woman and is an indispensable requirement so that he can contract the marriage, with the purpose that the woman assures the welfare of his widowhood, also as a possible vehicle for the transmission of wealth to his new kinship nuclei.
In a context when talking about giving means to provide a portion of the family wealth that another woman was not allowed to obtain her inheritance, a way of guardianship, at a time belonging to the father of the bride who when delivering it in marriage passed a portion of the family assets to the new family to which the women who took the married life were incorporated.
It would really depend on what line 39 is but if I had to guess I would guess A. To remain in one place