The answer is simple sentence.
In order to answer this question, let us first see how many clauses does this sentence have. Sentence has as many clauses as predicates.
This sentence has only one predicate<em> </em><u><em>controls </em></u> which means that this whole sentence acts as a single independent clause. Sentences comprised of one independent clause are called simple sentences.
Other types of sentences are: complex, compound and compound-complex.
ANSWER: B. generate essay topics
If you are looking into magazines as a student, then normally you are just in the first step of your writing process. In this stage, you should still be on the process of finding what to write about, thus turning to the magazine as a resource. Therefore, you scan magazine images and articles to find some inspiration on what to write about.
En el siglo XVIII se dieron las primeras grandes novelas en inglés. a principios de siglo aparecen Robinson Crusoe y Moll Flanders de Defoe, y Los viajes de Gulliver de Jonathan Swift, que siguen la tradición de la Restauración inglesa, y la crítica considera previas a la novela moderna inglesa.
The ' marks, called an apostrophe. "and in the story she said 'long live the king."