Monitor herself for improvement or decline in movement and mood because salicylate therapy does not work for everyone. check for increased bilirubin and creatinine in blood tests, ..plse dbl.check..
It supports it by saying that there was once only one mammal but then it reproduced and since different places have different climates they adapted or evolved to the climate changing their form and shape.
Dry areas with fishy fossils, were once below sea level, with lots of water and swimming animals. Over many thousands or millions of years, the ground level has changed dramatically.
At meiosis II in the mother
Both the parents have normal vision but both the sons are colorblind. Since colorblindness is X linked recessive disorder, the sons have obtained the allele for colorblindness from mother. This makes the mother carrier for colorblindness. The genotype of the mother is X^cX. The young man with Klinefelter syndrome is colorblind which means that he is homozygous recessive for the allele of colorblindness. His genotype is X^cX^cY. Since this man has obtained two copies of the allele of colorblindness, the mother must have experienced nondisjunction at meiosis II during gamete formation.
Anaphase-II of meiosis II separates and segregates the sister chromatids (now called daughter chromosomes) to opposite poles. Failure of segregation of two copies of X^c chromosome of mother to opposite poles and their distribution to the same egg cell resulted in the formation of an egg with two copies of X^c chromosome. Fertilization of this egg with a sperm carrying "Y" chromosome as sex chromosome resulted in a zygote with X^cX^cY that developed into the man with Klinefelter syndrome and colorblindness.