D. Cones
Cycads are basically composed of woody plants which have roots, a stem, leaves and reproductive structures called Cones. These cones differ from each other depending on the plant whether it is female or male. These cones vary from shape, size, color, etc. based on the sex of the plant.
Continental Tropical
I did the test and got it correct
The answer is; Rising temperatures may melt the polar caps and increase the ocean water levels.
Global warming is due to the increase in the levels of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, in the atmosphere. These gases trap reflected radiation from the earth that heat up the atmosphere. The warming atmosphere also warms the polar regions. This consequently results in the melting of glaciers and these melted waters flow into oceans increasing their water levels. Increased ocean levels eat up into the beach shores and also swallow up small islands.
One can stimulate a baby to breathe by slapping his butt or by flicking the soles of his feet. This is normally done in order to stimulate a baby to take his first breath through the process of crying. Crying will force the baby to take his first breath and at the same time, it will enable the lungs and the airways to be cleared of liquid substances.