Ping pong- A<span>n indoor game based on tennis, played with small paddles and a ball bounced on a table, divided by a net.
Juksei-I</span><span>s a 270-year-old folk sport, developed and played in South Africa and the forerunner of American Horseshoe Pitching.
Futsal-A</span><span> modified form of soccer played with five players, per side on a smaller typically indoor, field.
Janzi-</span><span> A traditional Chinese national sport, in which players aim to keep a heavily weighted </span>shuttlecock<span> in the air by using their bodies, apart from the hands, unlike in similar games </span>peteca<span> and </span>indiaca<span>.
Pesapello-</span><span> is a fast-moving </span>bat-and-ball sport<span> that is quite often referred to as the national sport of </span>Finland<span> and has some presence in other countries including </span>Germany<span>, </span>Sweden<span>, </span>Switzerland<span>, </span>Australia<span>, and Canada's </span>northern Ontario.<span>The game is similar to </span>brännboll<span>, </span>rounders<span>, and </span>lapta<span>, as well as </span>baseball<span>.</span>
C. Workers will go on strike and riots will erupt in the streets
The Atlantic Ocean
Caribbean Sea, suboceanic basin of the western Atlantic Ocean, lying between latitudes 9° and 22° N and longitudes 89° and 60° W. It is approximately 1,063,000 square miles (2,753,000 square km) in extent.