In 1933, Congress repealed Prohibition with the twenty-first amendment (D). This happened on December 5th and alcohol was officially legal on December 15th. It is the only amendment to have been ratifying state conventions, all other amendments have been ratified by state legislatures. Although alcohol only became legal on December 15th, people started drinking openly before this date.
The Christianity <span>disaster
and numerals do not tend to mix. You might be talking about cultures that do
not have concepts of numerals i.e. words that designate numbers. Actually,
there are plenty of cultures that does that. For short, there are societies
where numbers and counting is non-existent. Some of these cultures include the
pre-contact Mocoví, Pilagá, Jarawara, Jabutí, Canela-Krahô, Botocudo (Krenák),
Chiquitano, the Campa languages, Arabela, Khoisan language speakers, and
Achuar. Before contact with modern civilization, these isolated cultures have
no idea about counting and numbering. It seems that counting developed in
cultures that engaged in commerce.</span>
The south because they relied on trade