to capture rebel leaders and take away stores of ammunition
The ERA meaning the<em> Equal Rights Amendments</em> was formulated by the woman party in 1923. this right proposed that <em>equality of right under the law shall not be abridged by the united states or any other state on the account of gender.</em>
The women group which succeeded in passing the amendment for proposal in the congress became the group which continued to to be a leading voice in pushing for the amendment .
<h3>Those who opposed the ratification</h3>
These groups pushed against the ratification and was the major region of party against the ratification.
Phyllis Schlafly, a prominent leader of the conservative group opposed campaign against the ERA.
A key point she focused on was that:
- Women would be subject to military draft and combat service in the same way as men.
This became the major reason why the amendment failed as there was to be a number of states that would be in support of the ratification.
Read more about the ratification here:
Title IX bans <span>educational programs that receive federal funding from discriminating against individuals based on their sex.
Title IX was passed in 1972 as part of legislation pertaining to education. It followed on the heels of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. One of the initial applications of Title IX law was that equality of opportunity needed to be maintained in college athletics. Since then, it has been applied to deal with sexual harassment and sexual violence on college campuses as well.</span>
Usually demand refers to someone tell someone else what to do, or how to do it. For example "Give me the remote." could be demanding.